
Showing posts from June, 2023

5 Tips to Help Organize Your Home

As I am working through some organization in my own home in Tampa while moving two kids into one room and one closet and preparing for this new baby due any time now, I wanted to share some things I have learned over the past few weeks! Here are 5 simple tips: 1. Break It Up. Cut the vast amount of work into more feasible work by dividing the work into stages and splitting the tasks up over several days, or in my case by the week. At the beginning I was so overwhelmed and so I had to create little ‘wins’ along the way. Completing one task, then moving onto the next also allowed us to live in the space while completing the organizing. As you can imagine, this Lego sorting took most of the week, but was not done in one sitting. I was able to score these acrylic storage drawers second hand but here is one  link and then  another  for a similar product. 2. Sort, Sort, Sort. Be ready to sort clothes, toys, and all the miscellaneous items that seem to accompany having kids. It is okay to